Are you yearning to have a deeper relationship with the God (Spirit, Love, Universe, Higher Power, etc) of your understanding? Are you ready to discover the mystery and joy of discovering what Spirit wants for you? Then you might benefit from having a Spiritual Director, Guide or Companion.
All of us are on a Spiritual Quest whether we realize it or not. This journey, taken alone, can be more challenging than it has to be. A Spiritual Director/Guide offers companionship, validation and comfort on your journey. We don’t tell you where you should go or what you should do. Our job is to point out the connections you already have and explore ways that might help deepen it as directed by our own inner guidance. In a Spiritual Direction session there will be me, you and the Divine, whatever you believe that to be.
My background is varied as I have explored several Christian based faiths. I am also well acquainted with Al-Anon and utilize that 12-Step Spiritual foundation in my own life.
Like any relationship, I have learned different ways to relate, communicate and see Spirit’s work in my life. All this has culminated in my being moved to become a Spiritual Director or I prefer Spiritual Guide. I have earned a Certificate from the Audire School of Spiritual Direction.
I documented my own Spiritual seeking in a publication called Pilgrimage and my present journey in another called A Call to Love. Both can be found in the app. Substack and under Kitty Mendoza.
We will meet at least once a month to share the experience of your journey. You, I, and Spirit will explore how Spirit is active and present in your life.
Some benefits can be:
It is customary to pay for the time of a Spiritual Director. I ask for $60 per session and can be paid through Zelle.